Sunday, November 2, 2008

It was a Disneyland PERFECT day!

Today was perfect.
I woke up for the first time in weeks and actually WANTED to get up!
No pain, no exhaustion. Energy has been a foreign concept to me lately.

My first words to my husband?
"Can we go to Disneyland today?"

We are fortunate to have passports, and the boys are still free admission, so off we went. Upon entering the parking area, you could feel the excitement in the boys.
They definitely knew WHERE we were.

First we rode the train, and somehow, we had diaper failure. Thanks Teddy. No matter, I was prepared, and we were off! The boys always eat well when we are at Disneyland for some reason (probably because it is soooo affordable!) and we don't discourage it. When you have one child with eating issues, you are always happy to see him eat well.
Today was no exception, and when you get a finicky eater to eat a carrot, well you know life is good then!

The weather was also on our side. Since the day started with rain, it is always a gamble to head down to Anaheim, but we took the chance anyway. We arrived to brilliant blue skies and a light breezy air.

After 3 hours of rides, snacks and lots of laughs we headed home.
No complaints, no crying.
Boys go to bed no problem. Mom & Dad head to church and even though the mass was in Spanish, everything was perfect.

I know this isn't the most exciting post ever, but I feel truly blessed to have such a fun and easy day. Thanks for the break, God!

Tomorrow, when it isn't so easy, I will have to remember to be thankful for today.


Anonymous said...

Great post! So glad your family had an awesome time at Disneyland!

I am glad to hear you felt well today also. I have fibromylgia so know how much health affects my day. I think that might be one reason why the "contentment therapy" idea came to my mind.

I am sure you have probably blogged about you health issues- would you maybe direct me to where I can read about it?

Blessings to you!

mary :)

StarbucksMom... said...

Hi Mary,
I actually have not blogged about my health issues, because I haven't felt this bad ever in life.
I am undiagnosed as far as these current symptoms of fatigue and exhaustion goes, although I do have high blood pressure.
I just need to get to a dr. and have myself checked out; I was hoping it was 'mental' and would go away on its own... ha ha.
I keep reading about fibromyalgia and fear that may be my problem, and I suppose I don't want to find that out. Thanks for listening.

Anonymous said...

Danielle, Please don't wait! There is so much these days they can do to help. I actually went to an alternative Dr. who uses a holistic approach. My regular Dr. wanted me to go on anti-depressents and muscle relaxants and I just didn't want to go there knowing some of the side affects. If you do find out you have fibro and would like some suggestions on how to combat it alternatively, I would be happy to share what I am doing. I actually worked for this Dr. after he started treating me and had a blast learning !

mary :)

bonny with a Y said...

we did passes last year - and LOVED it. Nothing like having the flexibility to go for a few hours - it takes all the pressure off.

i am so sorry about your health - hope you are able to figure it out soon.

StarbucksMom... said...

Hey Bonny... took me forever to realize you left a comment! Sometimes, there is just too much internet, you know?
Anyway, I should update, that I have been feeling much better in the last month or so. I think mainly because I have cut out most sugar in my life, and increased exercise (duh!)
I think the prayers helped too!
Hope you are doing well, and that you see this!
Love ya!